+254742060116/ +254722676725

Eric Shimanyula Shihemi / Adolf Shimanyula Shihemi

P.O BOX 190-50100

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kakamega

Open Monday-Friday / Saturday-Sunday

8:00am - 9:00pm / 6am-6pm

Welcome to BodyFlex

Our mission is to deliver innovative fitness and lifestyle programs; our friendly,professional staff will inspire and support you in your commitment to enhancing the quality of your life, one person at a time.
We value our people, our customer interaction/service, our fiscal integrity, our community partnerships and our professional expertise.


Our Process

We have a clear path specially created to cater for our members body fitness goals and needs

Goal Analysis

First day assessment to establish a new member's state and wants so that a schedule can be made to meet their ambitions

Work towards that goal

Work outs with trained instructors to the selected programs

Improve Your Performance

Intensity is increased while your body adjusts with advised 100% consistency.

Achieve the Perfect Body

Check off your body fitness list and enjoy your newly-found healthy life